We work closely with you to look at alternative designs, then together we select a high value minimum risk option that meets the target user needs.

Our process goes one step at a time, focused on the planning and critical elements of the design, then the execution of the many details that make up the specifications for a third party to produce your product predictably and reliably in higher quantities.

Product Concept Review

Concept Generation

Engineering Design

We Help you Solve Product Design and Development Challenges

Here are a few areas we often start with, so you have the best shot at getting your idea off the page and into consumers hands

Where do we start?

Where we start depends on the complexity of the product idea and where there are risks to execute, such as regulatory hurdles in some markets. Some projects will go quickly, others will require much more planning and revisions.

It all depends on what you need:

  • End-to-end product development
  • 3D Printing and Prototyping
  • Manufacturing 


Rendering for Marketing


Are you an Entrepreneur looking to

develop a product?

Our team provides practical advice in many areas as you organize both the product development and the business operations necessary to sell the product, once the design and development is completed.

It’s a big leap to go from idea to market